Kingston native Hartley Roy Pearen enlisted with the RCAF and completed his Trade training in Canada.
A young man in his twenties, Roy would take a few weeks Leave before departing for "Y" Depot in Halifax. At Halifax he awaited transport to Britain, over the U-Boat filled Atlantic to a world of Black Outs, air raids and rationing.

Sgt. Pearen would be posted to No.3 Personnel Reception Center at Bournemouth England. During this time he would receive more training, hand to hand combat by Commando trainers and additional Navigation training on the newer devices he would need on operational sorties.

He was called to a posting at one of the Operational Training Units, here he was selected by pilot Sgt. D.C.T Williams to be his Navigator. After Williams had selected the rest of the crew they would all spend the next two months learning to work as a team. The Wellington twin engine bomber would be their first aircraft.
On completion of this training the crew would report to Base 52 and to one of the two Heavy Conversion Units located there. The crew would now welcome two new members, an additional air gunner and an RAF Flight Engineer.

The men would once again be in training this time on the much larger and powerful Halifax or possibly an older Lancaster, Sgt. Pearen would man his curtained off Navigator's table and guide the pilot during the cross country exercises.

After a short Leave Sgt. Pearen and the crew would be posted to 419 Squadron in July of 1944. On December 21st 1944, only days short of his 23rd. birthday, Flight Sergeant Pearen would complete his 30th sortie and complete his Tour. Most of his operations had been over Germany and a number over "Happy Valley" a dangerous and deadly journey down the Ruhr Valley.

The crew on arrival were:
Sgt. C D F Williams: Pilot
Sgt. M.R. Light B/A
WO L. Robinson WAG:
Sgt. C Crook RAF F/E:
Sgt. N.S. Brown MUG
Sgt. E. Horne Rear Gunner

The crew on arrival were:
F/O C D F Williams: Pilot
P/O H R Pearen
P/O M.R. Light B/A
P/O L. Robinson WAG:
Sgt. C Crook RAF F/E:
P/O N.S. Brown MUG
P/O E. Horne Rear Gunner

After an extended Leave, P/O Pearen selected to stay and pass on his knowledge to newly arrived Navigators at No. 1659 HCU. He was commissioned to rank of Pilot Officer before leaving 419 squadron.

Roy Pearen passed away January 2nd 2019 at age 97, in Belleville Ontario.