Local press reported on the remembrance event and plaque unveiling, including words from Drayton Parslow Parish Councillor Joanne Bruce. "This crew sadly died in a Lancaster which crashed in Drayton Parslow just after 1:30am on 6th March 1945, whilst returning from a mission in Germany. The youngest man who died was just 19 years old.
Drayton Parslow Parish Council Chairman, James Bruce, continued We will remember these brave men. Each year at the village remembrance service, the names of the Canadian aircrew will now be read out alongside the village dead from two world wars.
The loss of the Canadian crew was brought to the attention of the Parish Council in 2021, and after correspondence with the Royal Canadian Air Force, Drayton Parslow Parish Council (DPPC) collaborated with a local aviation history expert and researcher to commission the memorial.
Drayton Parslow Parish Council have made an open offer for any family members of the crew to contact them and visit the area.
Contact E Mail: draytonparslowclerk@gmail.com