There are variations in the different sources in regards to POW numbers Camps, mis-spellings and incorrect initials. The POW numbers sometimes stayed with the POW or they may have been issued a new number assigned to that camp. When a prisoners moved out of one camp, their number maybe assigned to incoming new prisoners.

DateSerial #NamePOW #CampCampCamp 
Mar 28-29/42X3477Sgt. K H Paul265L6   
  F/S S J Bailey248053448B  
  P/O W E Broderick762L3L1  
  F/S A L Flesch    died of wounds in hospital
  P/O J C A Marcotte73L6L3357 
Apr 8-9/42X3467P/O A B Crighton113L3   
  Sgt. H Brooks24803344Triple escaper who became a leader in the Polish Underground Army  
  F/S J P Paton248243448B  
  Sgt. W C Parker248263448B  
  F/S W R MacWilliam248373448B  
May8-9/42X3480F/S J D Giddens49L3  was wounded then transferred from hospital to camp
 X3840F/S B J McKinley76L6L3357 
  Sgt. G W Robinson86L6L3L4 
  F/S D K G McMillan396709C357 was wounded then transferred from hospital to camp
  Sgt. C L A MacCallum432L6L3L4  
June16-17/42X3359Sgt. E A Winkler366L3   
  Sgt. N W Bradley309L3   
Oct2 /42JB269Sgt. N Nelan27201344   
Feb 3/43DT630Sgt. W N Garnett274763448B  
  Sgt. E R Marquand274923448B  
  F/S A H Milton RAF274753448B  
Mar 5-6/43DT646Sgt. L Bakewell RAF276303448B  
  F/S DD Scowen27657344   
  F/S J E Marvel27751L38B344 
  Sgt. J A Bennett276763448B  
  Sgt. W J Clark277033448B  
Mar27-28/43DT634Sgt. A T Budinger891L3   
  F/O G J Sweanor936L3   
  Sgt. G J Lanteigne 906L3L6357 
  Sgt. M W Bishop887L6L3L4 
  Sgt. D London910357L3L6 
  F/S A H Taylor422733L6L43579C
Apr 8-9/43BB327Sgt. L E Turner1105L1   
Apr 20-21/43JB912P/O T E Jackson1267L3   
  F/S J M Carlton1058L6   
  P/O J R Fry1220L3   
  Sgt. T M Crandell1061L6   
  Sgt. C J Sebastian 1094L6   
  Sgt. E Jury RAF1074L1   
  Sgt. J F Westerman RAF1111L6   
May4-5/43W7817F/O C J Vaillancourt1284L3   
  P/O D Grimshaw RAF1265L3   
  Sgt. N M Douglas RAF1126L1   
  Sgt. A S Morrison 1151L6L1L4 
  Sgt. A Jaynes1141L6L1L4 
  Sgt. J L Peck11557AL14B 
May12-13/43JB791Sgt. W J Klein1186L1L6357 
  P/O H Enever RAF1323L3   
  Sgt. W J Howell1183L6L1357 
  P/O A R Wallace1338L3   
  Sgt. H G Bees1169L6L1357 
May13-14/43JD113P/O R W Lowry1331L3   
  Sgt. W M Reid1268L6L1357 
  Sgt. W J N Duggan2598654B   
May23-24/43JB862Sgt. F A Dunn124L6357  
May29-30/43JB793Sgt. R H Mingay2700674B   
  P/O F H Hubbs3310L3was interned first in some of the worst prisons in France. Bordeaux,Fresnes,St.Gilles Prisons  
  Sgt. S G Ward2700964B   
June11-12/43JD143F/O D I Black RAF1488L3   
  F/O C L Buck1611L3   
  Sgt. D N Stewart RAF21357L6  
  P/O N Hall263477L3357  
  Sgt. J D Gray10L6357  
June11-12/43DT616Sgt. B D Kirkham15L6357  
  Sgt. H A Taylor262L6357  
  Sgt. D B Whittaker285357357  
  Sgt. F J Callahan RAF5357L6  
  Sgt. R J Hamilton158L6357  
  Sgt. J A Mills17L6357  
  Sgt. D L Gray9L6357  
June24-25/43JD147Sgt. E B Pope RAF346357L6  
  F/S A W A Bruce647L6357  
  F/S L Barker RAF11027L6   
  Sgt. R E Austin RAF293357L6  
June24-25/43JD214Sgt. G V Neal340L6357  
  Sgt. R S McLachlan335L6357  
  Sgt. W N Jaffray324L6357  
  Sgt. D J Griffiths RAF320L6357  
  Sgt. R A Cleaver RAF302L6357  
  Sgt. D E Kenwell325L6357  
  Sgt. W C McLeod336L6357  
July3-4/43JD159Sgt. A Simpson RAF27182L6357  
  F/S R O Williston2614944B   
  Sgt. J D Arseneau261413L34B  
  Sgt. J F Graham RAF390L6357  
  F/S G E Aitken367L6357  
July13-14/43BB3232nD LT B J Furey USAAFNoneNome  Completed 11 sorties
  Sgt. M Cottenden381L6L4 Completed 9 sorties
  Sgt. G C Perrett RAF420357L6 Completed 8 sorties
  Sgt. J G Gilchrist388L6L4 Completed 9 sorties
  Sgt. J S Carmichael RAF383357L6  
  Sgt. K LaSalle1320L1L6L4Completed 3 sorties
Aug2-3/43DT798P/O J Sibalis2285L3   
  Sgt. J M Mahoney108569L6   
  Sgt. A W Farrow RAF1303L1L6357 
Aug31-Sept1JD270Sgt. L H Duggan RAF2228124B   
  Sgt. B W Scharf2227724B   
  Sgt. R E Boos2228044B   
Aug31-Sept1JD131F/L D J Corcoran2357L3   
  W/O A G MacKenzie2226194B   
  Sgt. W E Greensides512L5   
  F/O D E Larlee2371L3   
Aug31-Sept1JD464P/O S E James 2534L3   
  Sgt. A Embley RAF2226904B   
  P/O H R Tenny RAF2227874BExchanged IDs w/T Baker of Argly & Sutherlands  
  Sgt. L Northcliffe2228354B   
Sept16-17/43LW240F/L A N Quaile RAF2540L3   
  P/O L E Aspinall1356L1   
  F/O G T Graham927L6   
  F/L B L Kenyon3135L3   
  Sgt. E E Bowden523L6   
Oct4-5/43JD204F/O E L Riley2924L3   
  Sgt. T A Reay RAF43101L6357  
  Sgt. T McEwan RAF2507424BL3  
Oct22-23/43JD382P/O W C Coleman1366L1   
  F/L R K Sheilds1556L1   
  P/O R J Woods2614964B   
Nov18-19/43LW328F/O E R Hoe1549L1   
  Sgt. J Pappas2635024BK W ?  
  Sgt. N W Dingley RAF2635024B   
  Sgt. E K Canning2634614B spelling  
  Sgt. N McVicar2634944B   
  Sgt. D M Johnston2634844B   
Dec29-30/43LW282P/O R L Thompson 2698004B   
  W/O2 F H Webb2698024B   
  F/S S J Maloney2697904Bwas hospitalized before sent to 4B  
  Sgt. R G Bilyard2697484B   
  Sgt. J Cooper RAF2697584B   
  Sgt. A Carrol2697534B   
  Sgt. W J Barry3697444B   
Jan20-21/44DT731F/S I V Hopkins2700464B   
  Tech/Sgt F S Paules772L6L4became US Camp Leader 
  P/O A Cormack3301L3   
  Sgt. J Chambers RAF2700154B   
  Sgt. Jenkins RAF2700494B   
  Sgt. W D McCagney2700634B   
  WO2 W E Mackenzie874L6357  
Jan20-21/44HX162P/O H L Bullis3349L3   
  W/O A H Towers912L6357  
  F/S B H Boisvert USSAFNo info    
  F/S R Bonathan RAF2700104B   
  Sgt. M Potter2700734B   
Jan21-22/44JD420Sgt. D V L Hawkes     
  F/O F E Houison     
  W/O D R McDevitt2700644B   
  Sgt. D M Board RAF270009L3   
  Sgt. A M Bowman2700124B   
  P/O W H Barnes2700034B   
Feb19-20/44LW327F/O L T Lucas3532L3   
  F/S J E Hairsine1893L6357  
  W/O J Pluta1900L6357  
  P/O C R Herriot1894L6   
Apr22-23/44HX189W/O P J Murphy3638L6357  
  Sgt. J D Thompson RAF3679L6357  
May1-2/44KB711F/O F H Love5151L3   
  F/S R C Long4915L3   
  Sgt. A G Hill RAF4914L3   
  Sgt. J J Wilson4924L3   
  Sgt. D S M Sangstaerinjuredrepatriated Aug. 44   
  F/O J R Normandaleinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
June12-13/44KB726Sgt. J W Friday214L7   
  Sgt. R E Vigars244L7   
  F/O G P Brophy     
June16-17/44KB734Sgt. R E Porter     
  Sgt. J W A Trussler RAF243L7   
July4-5/44KB727F/O J E Prudham8063interned in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, when visiting Luftwaffe officers noticed them there, it was arranged for them to be sent to L3   
  F/O James Allen Smith8067interned in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, when visiting Luftwaffe officers noticed them there, it was arranged for them to be sent to L3Smith had mentioned later in his life that he felt they would have died in Buchenwald if they had not been rescued and sent to L3    
  W/O L F Head8121interned in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, when visiting Lutwaffe officers noticed them there, it was arranged for them to be sent to L3   
  Sgt F S Vinecombe RAF8117interned in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, when visiting Luftwaffe officers noticed them there, it was arranged for them to be sent to L3   
  P/O W R Gibson40interned in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, when visiting Luftwaffe officers noticed them there, it was arranged for them to be sent to L3   
  Sgt. J T Pett403L7Captured 8 days later  
July4-5/44KB718F/O W B Reynolds4620L1   
  Sgt. D High8096interned in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, when visiting Luftwaffe officers noticed them there, it was arranged for them to be sent to L3   
  Sgt. H B Hayes361L7   
July24-25/44KB719F/S W H Devine570L7   
Oct9/44KB754F/S J F McQueen1032L7   
Oct14/44KB800F/O A M Roy8242L3   
Dec 24/44KB715F/O T H CowtannoneL1   
  Sgt. C W ThompsonnoneL1   
  F/O J L Cartierinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
  P/O J V Ransoninjuredhospitalized no POW #   
  Sgt. F A Hector1327L7   
  Sgt. G B Little1336L7   
Dec 29/44KB753W/O R G Rogersinjured    
Dec 29/44KB765F/S W R McLeodnoneL1   
Jan14-15/45KB769J Q Eddyinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
Jan14-15/45KB799F/O H R Eagerinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
  F/O N V Hoasinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
  F/S F H Chatwininjuredhospitalized no POW #   
  Sgt. B C Mitchellinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
  F/S R C Woodsinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
  P/O G J Woods269806L313D  
Feb 2-3/45KB750F/S W J McTaggartinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
Mar 7-8/45KB797F/S H O Coleinjuredhospitalized no POW #   
  Sgt. D C Jamiesoninjuredhospitalized no POW #   
Feb. 21/45KB804F/O P H OweninjuredStalag VIIIDStalag VIIA 
  P/O A KindretinjuredStalag VIIIDStalag VIIA 
  Sgt. T S InstoneinjuredStalag VIIIDStalag VIIADescribed as the worst injured then only received one asprin from the Germans 
  F/S NozzolilloinjuredStalag VIIIDStalag VIIA 
  P/O R AlthaninjuredStalag VIIIDStalag VIIA 
Mar15-16/45KB870F/L W M McLaughlinCame Down in Allied territory to US Hospital    
  F/O B V Saunders     
  F/S W W Lightfoot     
  P/O J M Charbonneau     
Mar 21/45KB786P/O J W AitkeninjuredHospital Camp NK   
Mar31/45KB869F/S G R Berry L1   
  P/O R W Rowlands L1   
  F/S J H Milne L1